The Oil and Gas Industry is Broad and Complicated
- Operations, Equipment/Facilities
- Functional Responsibilities
- Commercial Arrangements
Thousands of industry participants have attended our oil and gas overview courses – both live and by internet. Our most popular course has an upstream focus and covers a surprising amount of information in just one day! We also have other courses available that extend into midstream and downstream.
Our courses are highly-developed, media-rich and up to date including solid coverage of U.S. unconventional development activities. We use an interactive Q&A system to reinforce points and keep attendees engaged. Our courses are suitable for beginners but are comprehensively designed to engage participants from any function or experience level.
Click to learn more about how our courses can offer great value to your organization.
In addition to upstream, midstream and/or downstream options, we can adjust course content to best fits the needs of any specific company, employee group or functional group. For example, we can:
We offer a three-course series designed specifically for oil and gas accounting groups. Each of the following one-day courses is included:
The courses can be restructured into a shorter timeframe or conducted individually
Workforce education is a key component of a sustainable enterprise. Our SASB/GRI credentialed professionals can conduct courses for any level of your organization that explains the key drivers behind the increasing demand for sustainable business activities and sustainability reporting. In that process, we can help communicate the purpose and importance of your company’s sustainability goals.
Our state-of-the-art courses are engaging, interactive and highly informative. They are fully narrated and are visually stimulating with photos, graphics, videos and animations throughout. Users can optionally drill down on some topics if they want to learn more.
Our 2-hour video follows the full drilling and completion of a horizontal well and provides a direct, close-up view of surface activities combined with animations of the corresponding downhole impacts. There is nowhere else that you can learn more about drilling in 2 hours! It is a must-see for anyone working in or with the oil and gas industry!