In this module, we begin our discussion of seismic by describing seismic waves, how they travel, and how they reflect or refract at rock layer boundaries. We use simple, real-world examples that make seismic waves easy to understand and we have a couple of optional drill-down sections for those that want to learn more (P-wave propagation and acoustic impedance). You need a basic understanding of seismic waves in order to understand topics like seismic acquisition, processing and interpretation, which will follow in the next three modules. This section will not only help you understand oil and gas exploration, but it may also interest you to learn about cool natural phenomena that you witness every day and may not have noticed.
Duration: Approximately 32 minutes, depending on user pace, and assuming that optional sections are reviewed.
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
- List types of subsurface features – such as rock layers and trap structures – that can be identified by seismic imaging
- Discuss types of seismic waves and how they travel
- Describe the types of seismic waves that are useful for subsurface imaging
- Explain how changes in rock-layer characteristics can cause seismic waves to reflect at layer boundaries, and how those reflections can be used to identify the boundary locations
- Describe how offshore seismic differs from land seismic because the waves must pass through water
- Reinforce your seismic knowledge frequently by remembering examples given of how wave behavior is encountered in everyday life
Prerequisites: Module 1-11
Advance Preparation: None
Program Level: Non-technical
Format: Prerecorded narrator with supporting visuals. User controls course pace.