Petroleum Geology for Non-Geologists

Module 13: Seismic Acquisition

module13 seismic acquisition
In this module, you will learn how seismic waves are created and how seismic reflections are detected. For onshore seismic, you will learn how shot holes and vibroseis trucks are used to generate source waves and how geophones are used to detect reflections. For offshore seismic, you will learn about seismic vessels and all of the components involved in towed streamer surveys. You will also learn about some of the peculiarities of recording offshore seismic. There will also be brief coverage of ocean-bottom surveys and working in shallow transition zones. There are several optional drill-down sections covering land seismic survey design, geophone design, vertical seismic profiling, micro-seismic and 4-D seismic.

Duration: Approximately 32 minutes, depending on user pace.

Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain how vibroseis trucks and/or shot-hole charges are used to create seismic waves on land
  • Describe how geophones are used to detect land seismic-wave reflections
  • Describe the types of seismic waves that are useful for subsurface imaging
  • State how the survey design and final imaging of a 2-D seismic survey differs from a 3-D survey
  • Discuss how offshore seismic surveys are conducted and some of the complications involved
  • Summarize other seismic methods sometimes used in oil and gas exploration

Prerequisites: Module 1-12

Advance Preparation: None

Program Level: Non-technical

Format: Prerecorded narrator with supporting visuals. User controls course pace.