Petroleum Geology for Non-Geologists

Module 15: Seismic Interpretation

module15 seismic interpretation
This module presents an interpretation of the major features in an example seismic image. The interpretation involves a discussion of features that an experienced geoscientist could learn just by looking at the image, and how that interpretation can be enhanced by using other knowledge of the area, such as tectonic history and logs from nearby wells. Seismic interpretation can be highly subjective and this exercise will NOT teach you how to become a seismic interpreter. However, all of the information taken together in this course should allow you to follow, with interest, a geoscientist describing a seismic image including the geological background, petroleum system elements, and project economics. The module also discusses “direct hydrocarbon indicators” that are sometimes visible on seismic. The module finishes with a summary of key exploration terms and describes the positions commonly involved in exploration (job titles and duties). There is an optional drill-down that allows you to look at other seismic images highlighting common trap types.

Duration: Approximately 22 minutes, depending on user pace.

Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Relay how experienced geoscientists can identify geological features in seismic images that are difficult to perceive with an untrained eye.
  • Discuss how other types of (non-seismic) data are commonly available enhance understanding of a seismic image.
  • Retell a real-world example of the story behind a seismic image used in the course
  • Define common exploration terms
  • Name the types of positions involved in oil and gas exploration and their roles

Prerequisites: Module 1-14

Advance Preparation: None

Program Level: Non-technical

Format: Prerecorded narrator with supporting visuals. User controls course pace.