In this module, we bring together all of the petroleum geology elements discussed in prior modules to construct the “big picture” – the Total Petroleum System: source, maturity, migration, reservoir, trap and seal. By this time, you will have a solid understanding of petroleum geology elements and it will all make sense. You will finish this section with a thorough understanding of the difference between conventional traps and unconventional shale and tight rock. We will solidify that explanation with our “girl scout cookies” analogy. When we use that analogy in our live courses, a wave of understanding sweeps over listeners’ faces!
Duration: Approximately 14 minutes, depending on user pace.
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
- Explain the concept of a “total petroleum system” that includes all of the petroleum geology elements that come together over time to create an oil and gas accumulation
- Confidently describe the difference between conventional and unconventional development
- Describe factors supportive and unsupportive of unconventional development
- Describe factors supportive and unsupportive of unconventional development
- Follow and appreciate basic petroleum geology comments made by geoscientists and understand key terms that they use
Prerequisites: Module 1-7
Advance Preparation: None
Program Level: Non-technical
Format: Prerecorded narrator with supporting visuals. User controls course pace.