This module explains private ownership of minerals, the Rule of Capture and the issues with the Rule of Capture, it describes what the Doctrine of Correlative Rights is, the importance of conservation laws and ownership theories.
Duration: Approximately 25 minutes, depending on user pace.
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
- Explain why it is unique that the majority of onshore mineral rights are privately-owned in the United States
- Discuss why usual rules of mineral ownership do not apply well to oil and gas
- Describe the Rule of Capture, which establishes ownership of oil and gas production
- Name problems that can result from the Rule of Capture
- List reasons why conservation laws have been imposed by states
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Program Level: Non-technical
Format: Prerecorded narrator with supporting visuals. User controls course pace.