US Mineral Rights and Leasing

Module 12: Federal Onshore Leasing

module12 federal onshore leasing
This gives an overview of federal onshore acreage and list agencies that manage the surface of federal acreage. It explains the role of the Bureau of Land Management, which manages onshore mineral rights. It continues with showing how the BLM coordinated with other federal agencies that manage surface acreage. Next, this module describes the types of acreage that is generally closed to leasing. There are federal mandates that prescribe land protection and use (FLPMA and MLA) and Resource Management Plans. It continues with explaining the leasing process. Then shows how BLM's changed interpretations of federal mandates have negatively impacted oil and gas. It delves into the new advent of the restrictive Master Leasing Plans and gives an example this using the Moab Master Leasing Plan.

Duration: Approximately 53 minutes, depending on user pace. In two modules: 12A (25 minutes) and 12B (28 minutes).

Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain the role of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in leasing federal mineral rights
  • List other federal agencies that manage federal surface acreage and how their guidelines and objectives may conflict with and/or disallow leasing
  • Summarize the federal mandates that the BLM is required to follow in its leasing decisions and how the BLM’s interpretation of those mandates became more restrictive during 2009-201
  • Describe Resource Management Plans and the more-restrictive Master Leasing Plans that have been used more-recently by the BLM
  • Outline the federal onshore leasing process

Prerequisites: Module 1-11

Advance Preparation: None

Program Level: Non-technical

Format: Prerecorded narrator with supporting visuals. User controls course pace.