US Mineral Rights and Leasing

Module 5: Other Ownership Issues

module5 other ownership issues
Not all minerals are included in severed estates. This module explains what types of minerals can be included. What is considered surface substances vs. minerals? It covers the breakdown of where the surface stops and the minerals begin. Also, this explains that when a mineral estate is severed and sold, part of the mineral interest can be withheld. This small portion is called a non-participating royalty interest (NPRI). There is an explanation of executive rights after a severance, who makes the decisions and why. This module touches on the issues of adverse possession and the rights those claims have. Finally, it describes what kind of restrictions on development rights one may come across.

Duration: Approximately 20 minutes, depending on user pace.

Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Name the minerals are typically included in an oil and gas lease
  • Explain how a mineral interest can be severed vertically or horizontally
  • List the attributes of a non-participating royalty interest
  • Describe how executive rights to lease can be assigned to one owner on a jointly-owned property
  • Discuss how a property can be acquired by adverse possession
  • Name types of restrictions that can be placed on the use of property

Prerequisites: Module 1-4

Advance Preparation: None

Program Level: Non-technical

Format: Prerecorded narrator with supporting visuals. User controls course pace.