US Mineral Rights and Leasing

Module 9: Delay Rentals and Pooling

module9 delay rentals and pooling
This module explains the proportionate reduction clause which is important to know to understand that the Lessor's royalty payment amount. Also, in this module, is the delay rental clause: why it is used, the implied covenants to perform work, when delay rental payments are paid, and paid-up leases. Next is the surrender clause, explaining how the Lessee can surrender their portion and be relieved of obligations. This module goes in-depth into the pooling clause including: when and why it is needed, the drilling/spacing requirements, a pooling example, the calculation of net revenue interests in a pooled unit, the complications caused by the presence of a NPRI, partially-leased tracts, compulsory/forced pooling and the common compulsory-pooling participation options.

Duration: Approximately 35 minutes, depending on user pace.

Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe why delay rentals are used and how they are paid
  • Retell why most private-party leases today have “paid up” delay rentals
  • Summarize why pooling is necessary for small tracts
  • Calculate the net revenue interest for participants in a pooled unit
  • Explain the basic purpose and procedures for forced pooling

Prerequisites: Module 1-8

Advance Preparation: None

Program Level: Non-technical

Format: Prerecorded narrator with supporting visuals. User controls course pace.